Thursday, November 30, 2006


Today is a big day, Paty is going to drive home from work solo. As usual, I dropped her off at work this morning. Then around 1 PM I went back to her office and dropped off the car. I then proceeded to jog home. It is only a little over 5 miles.

I was nervous for her, but she had driven home three times lately after I picked her up at the office. And the last time I didn't even have to grab the steering wheel from the passenger side once!

Since Paty is driving home, I decided to walk downtown and take some pictures of the Christmas decorations in Galway. Then I am going to Fibber's. This is the bar that offers free wi fi to go along with 3 Euro pints of Guinness.

Pictures up and down Quay Street:

Even in an extremely predominant Catholic country, we still have the generic 'Season's Greetings' moniker in the public square. I am telling you, political correctness can be taken too far at times:

Eyre Square, the big square in Galway was all lit up and looked great. Yes, that is a new Genie S-65 for those of you that know about these things:

My sports pub with wi fi:

post script: Paty made it home fine. I was a little worried about the parking situation. The entrance to our garage is very tight. Our Nissan Micra, a very small car, has about 3 inches of clearance on each side of the mirrors. But she made it. A new way of life has now opened up in the Tobin Irish experience; Mid day pubbing!

Tonight is more soccer training and then possibly pints with the lads. Also I get the NFL game between Cincy and Baltimore live at 1 AM. I am pumped about that. As long as I survive the training. While you are all dealing with snow and ice, we have 80 kph winds and rain. I am not quite sure if it is raining really hard or the rain in the air just never hits the ground because of all the wind.

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