Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wine Testing

Greetings!  It's officially the first annual "Super Sunny Weekend in Seattle", so I figured the best thing to do in order to maximize the sun enjoyment would be to run a free SO2 test on our wine.

We really need to replace that stove.
The results are in, the Syrah had little to no Free SO2 (You see our testing setup above, there is definitely some margin for error there but it gives us a good idea.). The pH was at 3.5, so referring to this handy chart linked below we attempted to adjust up to 40 PPM in each 5 gallon carboy.

The Tempranillo test worked better, well by better I mean the test was actually working as our reaction agent changed colors showing that the test was in fact doing something and we weren't experiencing massive operator errors.  The Tempranillo came in at 17 PPM, so we added half to the lone Tempranillo carboy that we added to the three Syrah's.

Back to bulk aging, here is our "facility".  The towels are a scientific way of keeping sun and light out of the wine.
Thus, there is your update on the making of the wine.  I had not posted in a while, at this point in the process we really did not have anything to do but wait.