Thursday, February 16, 2006

Super Bowl Aftermath

This is how my friends and I commiserated on the events at the Super Bowl.

Some friends of a friend of mine came from England and we decided it was time to get wasted at Chopstix.....

We each deal with the aftermath of a tradgedy in our own way. Some people, mainly Stealer fans, burn cars and beat their wife. Others, such as myself, digress into useless e-mail battles with Pittsburgh Stealer fans about their bastardized Super Bowl XL win.

Lynn Swann, gubernatorial candidate PA, should be ashamed to put his 4 rings next to the 2005 ring!

NFC Championship

A great day at Qwest Field.

Boy, can't wait for Super Bowl XL. We are a much better team than the Steelers.

As long as there is no controversial plays that go their way, the 'Hawks should win the Super Bowl.

Never thought I would see the day.......