Thursday, March 01, 2007

Primaro Post Roma

For those of you waiting for some pics of Roma (hi Aunt Natalie), here ya go:

Lexi and I are adjusting well to Roman life. She is staying up later and I am helping the wine industry with their yearly quota (Kate is helping as well).


Anonymous said...

So cute! She looks good in your arms :) Glad you and Kate are keeping the vinyards in business...Mike must be helping the beer industry.

Looking forward to more pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hello Chris and Paty!

Shams and I would highly recommend Dubrovnik in Croatia. It is so beautiful and there are at least 3 Irish Pubs in the old town, so you won't feel far from home (Ireland home that is). We love looking at your pictures! Keep having a fabulous time! And please tell us you're keeping your Sonics tickets for next year!

Pam and Shams