Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blog Update and odds and ends

Most of you have been wondering where the rest of the Croatia post is, don't worry it is coming. Most of my time this week has been occupied with packing duties. Packing you ask? Yes, packing. For those of you that don't know, WE ARE COMING HOME!

It's confirmed, we will be home next weekend. Unfortunately this means we are going to miss the annual Cape Lookout Camping trip. But the good news is that we will be in Amsterdam for Memorial Day, or as they call it in Great Britian: 'Bank Holiday Weekend'.

I mean what would you do, hang out in Amsterdam or do this:

And the kickers:

Looks like fun, eh?

Unfortunately while in Holland I can't partake in all the vices that Amsterdam has to offer. Again I hear you thinking, 'what could you possibly mean Chris?' One vice is off limits because I have a wife who would severely disapprove and the second becasue in the off chance that I get a job as soon as I get home I might have to take a drug test. Thus the red light district and 'coffee houses' are off limits.

I'll work on the Croatia posts soon, a lot of good pics to sort through and post.



Anonymous said...

Love the pics and we will miss you at the coast! Have fun in Amsterdam.


Anonymous said...

looking forward to you coming back!

Bryan & Liza

Anonymous said...

p.s. your an amazing blogger!

Reid said...

let me know when you want to make that costco run.