Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Okay, so a few days ago I did this great (all right, good) blog post from Croatia. My first in a while. And looking at the site tracking stats, more people are reading than ever.

BUT, with Shannon in Vegas no one is leaving a comment.

I wasn't even sure if the blog was updated until a few days later when Dan left the very appropriate white blur joke!

So, if you surf on in and see that there is a new post and no one has left a comment then feel free to enlighten us all with your wit and wisdom. Barring that, then just a 'confirmed, post up comment' will do.

New passport stamp for us tomorrow, Montenegro. We are taking a day trip to the capital. Sadly I don't even know the name of the city, but I do no it is South down the coast from Dubrovnik.

On an entirely unrelated side note, I am starting to run out of passport space for stamps. I guess we will just have to come home then........early June, confirmed.

Cheers! off to dinner. no pics today as I just realized that I carted my camera all over Dubrovnik today but did not take a single picture. We are starting to become jaded tourists.


Anonymous said...

What no pics? And I have to say the horizon is not exactly straight on a few of the pics you took. Whats up with that?

Do you need a lift or anything from the airport in the event you actually do come back?


nat said...

Maybe.......you could make it home before June 13th. Your little brothers high school graduation. NICE TAN PATY!!!!!!!!! Will look great for the wedding :-)

Unknown said...

just checking in comment!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

Sounds like you guys are moving around a lot..........just leaving a comment as requested.......we will miss you at the coast this year........


Anonymous said...
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