Thursday, January 08, 2009

Seriously, Global Warming is so not real...

To all of you tree huggers driving your hybrids thinking you are 'helping' the environment, how can you say that Global Warming is real?

Seattle normally has one or two days of snow per year that quickly melts as soon as it sees the light of day. But NO, this year we had 'Storm Watch 2008' in December. Replete with constant updates from the great Danger Jim Foreman on the outstanding local news that I always watch.
View from our deck on day 1 of the storm:


Game Day ended up being a non starter. It took me 20 minutes to dig out my hybrid:

After digging out the aforementioned hybrid, I had the neighbor kids help push me out of my street as I got stuck twice. I did make it off the block just barely when I decided that discretion was the better part of valor and proceeded to turn around and stay home. Which ended up being a good decision since about 6 inches fell during the game and getting home would have been a challenge. An offshoot of not attending this game was the fact that I was able to keep my wearing shorts to every Seahawks game I attend streak going since I didn't attend this one. Instead of going to the game I ended up shoveling off the 18 inches of snow on our deck:

Because it was so cold (global warming, pfft) we had to move Porfi upstairs for the winter.

No funny comment, I just though this was a strange picture of the snow that formed on our deck railing:

Someone just told me that Global warming can actually make it colder? Who knew?

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