After our encounter with Elvis in the Dallas airport we flew to Miami and had about 10 hours at the airport. So we stayed at the Miami Hilton in order to sleep and shower. The flight to Belize was pretty uneventful from Miami, we were on the right or starboard side of the plane so we didn't get a peak at any of the brewing storms over Cuba. We did fly straight down the Yucatan coast so Paty felt like she was going home.
Thankfully our bags met us in Belize. We had about 30 minutes in Belize airport until our little commuter jet took us to San Pedro, which gave us just enough time to stop in the airport and meet local legend 'The Jet':

All four feet five inches of the jet was a bundle of energy that claims to have 'the Carribean's best rum punch, 11 ingredients!' It was okay, but the Jet was a character and his bar was classic as you can see from the photos.
We arrived in San Pedro and this is the view from our hotel room:
The bar is a sort of local hang out on the beach. It's pretty cool. Paty is pictured down there getting ready to go tanning so she blends in a little better and stops looking like a gringa!
I am writing this Sunday morning, NFL kickoff morning. We are doing an afternoon snorkeling trip out to one of the reef spots. In the background of the picture from our room you see a brreakwater about 200 yeards out from the beach. That's the reef. It's the worlds 2nd largest barrier reef.
The reason we are going in the afternoon is because our Belize TV gets the local Fox Affiliate feed out of Buffalo. And you know what that means, SEAHAWKS are on live in Belize.
It's currently the second quarter and we need some help. I am thinking of making the transition from watching this epic match in the room to the thatch hut bar. The Seahawks need a change up right now and I need a Belikin. The local beverage of choice.
All for now, I will try to get something up soon.
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