Monday, July 31, 2006

Pearl Jam

The show was at the Gorge in George. Very cool venue. For those of you that have never been, basically what you do is camp in this field about a mile from the venue and then walk over to the concert. The band starts playing about 7:30 ish and the sun proceeds to set behind the stage for all of the first set. Then you get these great sunsets behind the band during the second part of the show. It is truly awesome!
This is what the 'camping' looks like:

This is pretty much what you do while camping before the show. My friends Steve and Joe. Notice Steve practicing the 'fake beer drink for picture'. MAN LAW VIOLATION!

Paty and I:

Our group:

The other half of our group, mostly Walla Walla people that Joe is friends with:

It was supposed to be 108 degrees this day at the Gorge. We had the canopies up, the 10 gallon bucket of ice water chilled and were wearing floppy hats. But this cloud layer rolled up from the monsoons of Arizona and provided crucial shade. It topped out at 104 degrees and was actually quite nice. We got lucky. Then the clouds dissipated about the exact same time as the sun was setting to leave us a great scene:

I really don't know what to say about this picture except that this year the second hand smoke was slightly lighter than last year, so mom and baby were probably fine. Just one question, does the baby come out tan?

Did I mention that this was a great place to watch a concert?

Paty and Dawn at sunset. Steve and I were going to take the same picture but we didn't want to hug. That and Steve was still serving his punishment for the fake beer drink Man Law violation. Digital cameras will get you every time!

The show was great, Eddie was on fire jumping around all night and such. He continually was pulling on a few different wine bottles he had stashed around the stage. The more he drank, the better he got. This is about the end of the show, Pearl Jam was playing their favorite, Baba O'Riley to close out.

Paty and I hugging, aren't we the loving couple? She was heading back to Brussels in two days, so this is about the time when she starts to get really sentimental.

I just noticed from their website that PJ is playing their European tour during the time that I will be there in September. Do you think someone here in the States could hook me up with Ten Club tickets for Prague on September 22nd? Or how about one of the five Italian stops in early September? Tour dates A good excuse for a little detour to Italy.....


Anonymous said...

Awesome Blog Chris, you have a lot of good informtion here!

Anonymous said...

Definetely the concert at the Gorge was awesome! It was my first experience there and I was very impressed with how beautiful the venue is. I didn't mind the camping that much, it was less than 24 hrs so very doable. It was fun!