Monday, April 23, 2007

Travel News

Okay, for those of you that have been asking and wondering when we are coming home. The answer is........We don't know.


But on a high note, we now have our plane tickets for Croatia. We are heading to Pula, Croatia on Saturday May 5th. We don't have a confirmed flight back yet. But most likely we are heading back to Dublin on May 19th. Giving us two weeks in the Adriatic beach paradise.

We are planning on heading back to Dublin from Dubrovnik. That means we have two weeks to beach it down the length of the Adriatic.

More details to follow when we have them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ireland update

So for those of you that do not know, I have my last visitor here from the States. My buddy Steve Piacitelli.

On a side note, Steve solved a major Tobinblog quandary for me. I have this software attached to the blog that shows how many people view the blog everyday. But as an added bonus it also shows where in the world they viewed it from.

Most of the locations I can figure out who is viewing the blog, of course there are always the random people who surf in from a strange location. But on a relatively regular basis I have had someone from Leavenworth, KS check out this site. I would never have noticed that city except for the fact that my buddy Dave lived in Manhattan, KS for three years after high school and before we went to Ellensburg. He was in the Army protecting our heartland from rampaging Indians.

Well, I just found out that Steve's sister lives in Leavenworth. Mystery solved! Hi Denise!

So back to the regular portion of the blog.

Today we played at Druid's Glen Golf Course, Dublin branch.

Tomorrow we are playing at the K Club. In and of itself this is not a big deal, except that the K Club hosted the Ryder Cup last fall. So we are playing at the same course where the Euro's smoked our American duffers. I guess that means that I will toast Steve, as usual, in our two person Ryder Cup match play simulation.

I didn't play that well today, it was my first time out this year. Which is a much better excuse than this is what we did last night:

If I was in a mental state that convinced me taking that picture was a good idea, then that explains the bad golf.
Maybe the reason for Steve's bad golf as well:

For those of you looking for pics of Steve in Dublin (hi Denise!, again)

More pics/stories/nonsensical nonsense coming over the next few days.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Ring of Kerry

Okay, we are in Killarney for a couple days, the Irish get Good Friday and Easter Monday as a holiday, as it is a four day weekend.

I will most likely have a few pics when we get back to Galway.

For those of you 'jonesin' for the Prague post, Klisch did a great one. I keep meaning to put up my pictures, but I would honestly be embarrassed by any prost that I wrote to match his great post. Check it out. Klisch's post! There is also a link to the right under the 'How I spend My Day' section.

No internet in the room at Kilarney. Doing this post from a 'it's a good deal 1 Euro/8 min' lobby computer.

All for now, running out of time.................

no time to spell check